Electric Transformer Manufacturers in India | Transformers


A transformer is an electrical device that trades voltage for current in a circuit, while not affecting the total electrical power. This means it takes high-voltage electricity with a small current and changes it into low-voltage electricity with a large current, or vice versa. One thing to know about transformers is that they only work for Alternating Current (AC), such as you get from your wall plugs, not Direct Current (DC).

Transformers can be used either to increase the voltage, also known as stepping up the voltage, or decrease the voltage, also known as stepping down the voltage. Transformers use two coils of wire, each with hundreds or thousands of turns, wrapped around a metal core. One coil is for the incoming electricity and one is for outgoing electricity. Alternating Current in the incoming coil sets up an alternating magnetic field in the core, which then generates Alternating Current in the outgoing coil. Its types are.

  • Toroidal power transformers.
  • Lamination transformers.
  • SMPS transformers.
  • Current transformers.
  • Inverter transformers.
  • Power utility transformers.